Stats Meesters en Konstenars Woningen – Nieuhof (1682)

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Description: Antique print titled ‘Stats Meesters en Konstenars Woningen’. This print depicts houses of government officials and artists in Batavia, Indonesia.

Originates from ‘Gedenkweerdige Brasiliaense Zee en Lantreize …’ by Johan Nieuhof, published by Jacob van Meurs, Amsterdam, 1682. First and only Dutch edition. Later amended English edition published by Churchill in 1744.

Artists and Engravers: Johan / Jan / Johannes Nieuhof / Nieuhoff / Neuhof (1618-1672) was a Dutch traveler who wrote about his journeys to Brazil, China and India.

  • Date: 1682
  • Overall size: 20 x 14 cm.
  • Image size: 16 x 13 cm.
  • Condition: Very good, please study image carefully. Dutch text on verso.
  • Purchase code: BG-04255