Map of Celebes or Sulawesi – Dornseiffen c.1900


An antique map of Celebes or called Sulawesi nowadays, with an inset of Bali and Lombok island along with a small island called Karakelang in north-east of Sulawesi.


An antique map of Celebes or called Sulawesi nowadays, with an inset of Bali and Lombok island along with a small island called Karakelang in north-east of Sulawesi. This map originates from ‘Atlas van Nederlandsch Oost- en West-Indie’, by Dr I.  Dornseiffen, published by Seyffardt’s Boekhandel, Amsterdam. Published in 1899-1900.

Dimensions : 530 x 380 mm

Conditions : Very good, general age-related toning.

Purchase code: BGJC022