Sea Chart of Java Island – Mannevillette (c.1745)


An antique mid-18th century French sea chart in outline colour of Java island with south-east Sumatra, Banca Island and the south coast of Borneo by the French hydrographer Jean-Baptiste d’Apres de Mannevillette (1707-1780).


Titled “CARTE DE L’ISLE DE JAVA/avec/les isles de BANCA, de BILLITON/, et une partie de celles de/SUMATRA et de BORNEO”

An antique mid-18th century French sea chart in outline colour of Java island with south-east Sumatra, Banca Island and the south coast of Borneo by the French hydrographer Jean-Baptiste d’Apres de Mannevillette (1707-1780), a French hydrographer, navigational mathematician and nautical cartographer from Le Havre. The chart was in Le Neptune Oriental ou routier general des cotes des Indes Orientales... in Paris by Jean-Francois Robustel in 1745 with later editions (Supplement au Neptune Oriental).

Very good condition; some foxing and brown water stains along the upper margin.

Measurements 820 x 554 mm

Purchase code M1008